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Unique 14k solid gold jewelry handcrafted designer rustic sterling silver jewelry with gemstones and diamonds.


Sterling silver, 14k solid gold, 18k solid gold bangles, cuff and link bracelets. Unique mixed metal gold and silver handcrafted handmade artisan bracelets. Hammered rustic bracelets and sets of bangles. Delicate, daintly gold designer, modern minimalist jewelry using high quality materials for everydaywear.

Oxidized Silver and 14k Gold Chain Bracelet

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Oxidized Silver and 14k Gold Chain Bracelet


Silver and Gold Paperclip Chain Bracelet. Mixed Metal Link Bracelet.

Six links of 14k solid gold are centered on this large link chain. An oxidized sterling silver chain continues the bracelet - choose your length in the options. Though this is a larger link elongated cable chain it is lightweight and comfortable to wear. The links measure 3.3 x 9.5mm in length, the bracelet closure is a lobster clasp. This paperclip chain is noticeable in it's contrasting metals, the bright, shiny 14k gold standing out against the charcoal grey of the oxidized silver.

Bracelet Length:
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