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Unique 14k solid gold jewelry handcrafted designer rustic sterling silver jewelry with gemstones and diamonds.

14k Solid Gold Hoop Earrings.


Sterling silver and 14k solid gold dangle drop earrings and stud earrings with diamonds, gemstones and pearlsSmall minimalist studs and unique handcrafted, handmade, designer jewelry combined with rustic everyday comfortable designs

14k Solid Gold Hoop Earrings.

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sold out

14k Solid Gold Hoop Earrings.


Medium 14k Gold Hoop Earrings. Ships in 1-3 Business Days.

These solid gold hoops have a unique bead pattern design. They are a medium size, measuring 0.75” in diameter and have a smooth polished finish. They are lightweight and comfortable to wear and come with a medium weight 4.7mm ear nut to keep them securely in place. All parts of these earrings are 14k solid gold.

All designs purchased come in a box ready for gifting.

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